One of the main causes of Plato's

One of the main causes of Plato's

 Q. "One of the main causes of Plato's pervasive and persuasive influence is that he is the ablest exponent of the aristocratic theory of the state and acutest critic of the democratic way oflife".

Do you agree? is it correct to say that one could trace the germs of totalitarianism in Plato's political thought?

        Ans. It has been said that "one of the main causes of Plato's pervasive and persuative influence is that he is the ablest exponent of the aristocratic theory of the state and the acutest critic of the democratic way of life. Thus Plato has been considered the first fascist in history. The incident of trial of Socrates and his consequent death in a democracy has shocked Plato and thereforel he mentioned many defects in the system. This led some of the political scientists to grand him as the father of Fascism and a Totalitarian.

        Similarities with Fascism:

        Though this remark is not absolutely correct and yt one can find the following similarities between Plato's political thought and the system known as fascism.

        i) Rule of minority: Like fascism Plato also entrusts the rule of the ideal state to a minority.

        ii) Authoritarian: Like Fascism Plato entrusts unlimited rights to the ruler. he was considered as above the laws, traditions and public opinion and nobody could control over him. Thus in his system the ruler becomes an authoritarian.

        iii) Opposition to Democracy: Condemning democracy in his book the Republic, Plato said, "The laws of democracy remain a dead letter, its freedom is anarchy, the equality of unequals". Thus he considered democracy as a corrupt rule.

        iv) All powerful state: Like Fascism, Plato made his stte all powerful. He gave no fundamental rights to the individual against the state and considered him as a means in the hands of the state.

        v) Negation of equality: Like Fascism Plato rejected the principle of equality as applied to the citizens of the state. he classified the producers, the warriors and the rulers in separate classes and made special provisions for the ruler class. He considered the individuals belonging to the ruler class as superior to the other two classes.

        vi) Importance of Laws: Like Fascism Plato considers the law as an end and the individual a mere means to it. The fascist Mussolini gave the laws the highest place in his state.

        vii) Emphasis on the duties of citizens: Like Fascism Plato nowhere mentioned the rights of the citizens but laid exclusive emphasis upon their duties only. In a fascist state the citizen shold not criticise the government, have faith in the rulers, follow their commands and sacrifice even their lives for the fulfillment of the duties of the citizens. Plato has given similar instructions to the citizens.

        Distinction from Fascism:

        Inspite of the above similarities between fascism and the political thought of Plato, the following defferences should also be remembered.

        i) Historical gap: While the fascist thought was born after the first world war in 20th centiry, Plato presentd his political thought four centuries before Christ. Tus there is a long gap between them. 

        ii) Distinction in attitude: Inspite of considering the state as all powerful Plato never supported its extension while on the other hand, the fascist thinkers consider extension of the state as empire as a necessary step in its evolution.

        iii) Anti-war: Plato was against war while according to falscism war is necessary for the progress of the state.

        iv) Support of communism: Plato presented the principle of communism of property and women. Fascism, on the other hand, is against all communism.

        v) Idealism: Plato was an idealist. he presented plan on ideal state. Fascism, on the other hand is absolutely realistic in approach.

        vi) Philosophical distinctions: In Plato's thought political thinking is based upon philosophical principles. The fascist philosophy, on the other hand, is based upon political thinking.

        vii) Ethics and Politics: According to Plato politics is the hand maid of ethics, according to fascism, on the other hand, ethics follows politics and politics is the highest ethics.

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